Pocket cell phone reads text for blind, others
January 28, 2008
MEDIA ALERT | knfb Reading Technology, Inc. has released a pocket-sized cell phone that reads print to the blind and learning-disabled. knfbReader Mobile combines character-recognition and text-to-speech software and runs on a multifunctional Nokia N92 cell phone, using its 5 megapixel camera for capturing images.The knfbReader Mobile combines the research and development efforts of the National Federation of the Blind and knfb Reading Technology, Inc., headed by CEO Ray Kurzweil, the inventor of the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind. knfbREADER Mobile lets the blind read most printed and on-screen materials almost anywhere, while users who can see the screen and those with learning disabilities can enlarge, read, track, hear, and highlight printed materials using the phone’s large, easy-to-read display.
Users can also use the audible screen reader for other phone functions, including making and receiving phone calls, contacts, GPS, Adobe PDF files, voice recorder, and music player controls.